We’ve had a super first full week back and the children have been busy getting stuck into all our subjects. In English we have been reading the book Here Come the Aliens. You can access an animated version of this story on the class Seesaw account. The children have written some amazing character descriptions for the aliens in the story. In Maths we have started with place value looking at tens and ones. Again if you look at the class Seesaw account, you will find a link to a counting song we have been using to help us count in tens. We began our History topic with an Introduction to Amy Johnson. We thought about questions we would like to find out about her and her life. There has been some fantastic prior knowledge from some of the children that had competed some amazing research over the summer holidays. Mina and her mum were busy over summer creating a little Amy Johnson project and Izzy has made a fantastic model of Amy Johnson’s plane. Take a look below…

What’s happening next week:
In science we will be continuing our work on life processes and recognising things that are dead, alive or have never been alive. Hopefully we will be out and about in the school wildlife garden! In English the children will design their own alien character and will write a detailed description of it in the form of a Wanted poster. In History we will be finding out a bit more about Amy Johnson. In RW (Religion and Worldviews) we will be continuing with our ‘Belonging’ theme. Thank you to everyone that brought things in to show for this.Please try to ensure you have signed up for the class 2 seesaw account as we will regularly share photos of what we have been upto. Let us know if you have any problems with this. Please also feel free to upload photos or videos from home to Seesaw that we can share with the class. This week we have seen Mina’s science experiment, Angelica’s cross-stitiching and George’s football achievements. Well done everybody!
This week’s spelling focus has been the /dʒ/ sound spelt as ge and dge at the end of words, and sometimes spelt as g elsewhere in words before e, i and y. The children will practise these spellings in school but please also ensure they practise at home, the children will stick them in their reading logs every week and these will usually come home on a Monday. There will be a spelling test every Friday. Below we have posted what they had this week and also next week’s so they can be practising over the weekend if they wish.

Coming home this week will also be the Year 1 and 2 common exception word fish. Common exception words are words that do not follow the common phonetic spelling rules that children learn in year 1 and year 2.
These are for the children to keep at home and learn. Please can you/your child colour half the fish when they can read the word and the full fish when they can consistently write and spell the word correctly.
Class focus:
We are focussing on listening carefully to become independent learners. In our writing we are practising writing sentences that are consistently punctuated with capital letters and full stops. Please try to get your three reads in as a minimum at home. It really helps with pace and fluency.
Dates for your diary:
Please find attached the current list of events for the Autumn term. We will add to this and post on the class blog as needed.