In English we have completed our non-chronological reports. Everyone has worked really hard alongside developing their grammar skills too. In maths we have continued investigating 2D and 3D shape, including sorting and drawing shapes. For geography this week, KS1 went for a walk around our village. We looked for physical and human features and took pictures of what we found (see below). It was a little drizzly but was nice to get out and explore. A big thank you to all our helpers who made this possible. In RW we learnt more about advent and advent calendars and also looked more at ways we celebrate Christmas. We have been practicing our Christmas performance lots and the children are doing amazing with their lines. Please keep practicing over the weekend.
We also enjoyed a visit from Charlotte Eldred the artist who helped class 2 design some doodle art Christmas cards. You will have to wait to see the final designs but here’s a sneak preview of the class at work!

What’s happening next week:
We will be performing our KS1 play to the school on Monday as a final dress rehearsal before we perform to parents, grandparents and other family members on Tuesday and Thursday. Tickets have been sent home – two per family per performance. Programmes with a full cast list will be available at each performance for a voluntary donation. We will also be starting our Design Technology unit on Tuesday.We would still like some extra toothpaste tube boxes and clean, empty 2 litre drinks bottles if anyone can provide any more.
Class focus: Saying our lines for the play loudly, clearly and slowly and having fun with our performances! Please keep practicing words over the weekend.
This week’s spellings is a consolidation from this term’s spellings. The spelling test is usually on Mondays. Please ensure the children practise spellings at home, the children stick their new spellings in their reading logs every Monday. Below we have posted what they had this week so they can be practising over the weekend, please also practise applying them in sentences. The spelling sheets that the children complete daily in school will also be sent home each week for you to revisit when you can. We play lots of spelling games with our words, ask your child what games we have been playing so you can play them at home too. We also have a good discussion about the meaning of the words if we’re not sure.

Dates for your diary:
10th December – KS1 Christmas Play 10.45am
12th December – KS1 Play 1.30pm
17th December – KS1 mini disco Christmas celebration 11 am. Children will be able to come in party clothes and we will provide crisps and juice after we have enjoyed some party games and dancing.
17th December – School Christmas Fair from 2pm
18th December – Christmas Dinner Day
19th December – Wellbeing coffee morning
19th December – School Christmas Disco after school