Welcome back and Happy New Year to you all. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a good rest. Thank you again for all the lovely Christmas presents and cards – so very kind! It was lovely to hear what all the children have been up to over the break.
We’ve had a great first week back and the children have settled back into the routine well. We have started looking at our Dreams and Goals Jigsaw PSHE unit. We had an amazing circle time discussing what everyone hopes to improve in at school this term and their steps to success to get there. In science we started our brand new unit on Uses of Everyday Materials. We did a materials treasure hunt around the classroom and brainstormed adjectives to describe the properties of different materials. In maths we are working on the multiplication and division block. Year 2 age related expectations by the end of the school year is that pupils will know the 2 times, 5 times and 10 times tables and related division facts in any order. Please support us in helping your child practise their times tables at home in order to achieve this. In PE we started dance and football and also started our new computing unit of creating pictures. We looked at impressionist artists and artwork and we all created our own piece of artwork using the 2paint a picture tools on Purple Mash.
What’s happening next week:
We will be starting our full curriculum and continuing the fantastic start we have made with our handwriting and presentation.
We’ve had a big focus on our ‘CEW’ (common exception words) this week and hopefully everyone has been practising at home. Everyone should have the CEW fishes at home. Remember to colour half the word when you can read it and the whole word when you can write and spell it consistently. We have been testing the reading of these words this week and will test the spelling of a selection of words next week.
Class Focus: We are having a big focus on writing across the school and our own writing skills. We have made a great start and we look forward to the coming weeks to see further improvements.
Dates for your diary: