This week has been a week of very mixed emotions. Although we have all been excitedly looking forward to our Summer holidays (and perhaps even some sunshine), we have to say goodbye to class 2 as it currently is and also a big goodbye to Mrs Osborne. Mrs Osborne has been a student teacher at Brandesburton Primary School since the beginning of the Spring term and she has been in class 2 since the start of the Summer term. She has worked extremely hard to create engaging lessons, resources and activities and she has had the children at the heart of everything she has done. The class have loved having her and we will all miss her very much as she moves onto the next stage of her teaching career. We wish her every success and look forward to her paying Brandesburton School a visit in the future to tell us how she is getting on.

Last week we had our annual Summer Fair. Rain most certainly did not stop play as everything was moved to take place inside. The school was a hive of activity and it was a very successful event. Thank-you to all who attended, sent cakes or bought raffle tickets, your support is very much appreciated by the PTFA and the whole school. Thank-you to the PTFA for the overall organisation, they will let us know in due course just how much money was raised.
This week we have had special visitors in assembly from the National Coastwatch Institution. Ron and Andrew are based at Coastwatch Hornsea – you may have seen that the Coastwatch office has recently been ‘yarnbombed’ and is now covered with over 4000 knitted and crocheted flowers which makes it a real talking point and has drawn much needed publicity to a very important service. The pupils were told how to keep themselves safe on a visit to the seaside and each pupil was also given an activity booklet and a sticker. We are very grateful to Ron and Andrew, who are volunteers, for giving up their time to deliver such an important safety message.

We also joined with class one to have a little disco in the hall on Wednesday with some party games too. All the children enjoyed dancing, doing some action songs. playing musical bumps and musical statues. We finished the afternoon with some juice and crisps.
Final message from Mrs Platten
I really can’t believe we have come to the end of the year! I know I have said this lots of times but the time has absolutely flown by. I feel as if we should still be somewhere in the Autumn term and here we are with all of you about to start Key Stage Two. You have all risen to the challenges you have faced this year and have absolutely blown our socks off with your attitude to learning, your determination and your resilience. We have seen you consistently using your Brandesburton Toolkit for Life. You have been kind and caring and have looked out for one another like the team you are and you are now all year-3 ready. I really hope you have an amazing summer holiday. Class 2 Seesaw will still be available until September so feel free to post some photos of what you get up to as I look forward to seeing them.Parents and grandparents, thank-you so much for your support, it really does make a difference. Take care everyone, Mrs P x
Final message from Mrs Joplin
I can not thank the children (or Mrs Platten) enough for the warm welcome I have received during my first year at Brandsburton. It has been a pure delight to watch all of the children blossom and grow, and to be part of their learning journey this year. We have done some really fun things that I know we will all remember: trips to the farms and to see the bridges in Hull; making clay tiles and building bridges; cooking soup and baking bread, and much much more! Each and every one of the children has made me smile in their own special way. I have loved learning about all of their hobbies, pets, holidays and crazy family antics (yes, they tell us everything)!!! I can not wait to see how they continue to mature as they head into next year as BIG keystage 2 children! I hope you all have the most magical summer! See you all in the autumn! Mrs Joplin xx