Class 2 had lots of fun and success trying out a variety of coding activities.
Class 2 reading challenge
How are you getting on with our class reading challenge? We have asked you to get at least three adult signatures (or even more!) each week for the next five weeks. Everyone that completes the challenge will get a reading…
Houses homework
Thank-you for all the photographs of your children’s homes that have been printed, emailed or drawn. We have had a good discussion about different types of houses and also suitable materials for building houses. This all links to our science…
Science material hunt
Class 2 have been having a look round our school and identifying different materials. We have looked at properties of materials and what materials are suitable for which purposes. We have identified lots of adjectives to describe materials. Following on…
Literacy resources
Please find below links to a great literacy site for practising year 2 common exception words and phonics work. These games are free although the apps that are downloadable for ipads and other devices are chargeable. Please come and see…