I hope you all enjoyed the blog posts yesterday, I certainly had lots of work emailed to me so thank-you for all of your enthusiasm. I hope you were able to collect some seeds if you needed them or are able to plant your own.
These are the English activities to keep you going for the rest of this week and also a recipe for to try out at the end. Remember to take your time and do your best work, be proud of your work.
- I would like you to recap the Jack and the Beanstalk story, you can use the template below, which can also be downloaded, or write your own summary. Remember to check you have used capital letters and full stops correctly.

2. Complete the reading comprehension. You can read it here or download it to complete.

3. Complete the word classification sheet.

4. Have a go at role-playing the story getting other members of your family involved too. You could use different toys you have or make finger puppets fro the template or design your own.

To start our food technology work off I thought we would have a recipe that also relates to Jack and the Beanstalk. You can come up with your own version if you don’t like any of the ingredients.