This week we need to leave everything we planted last week to grow a little so we are going to focus on learning about birds. Don’t worry if you don’t have any birds in your garden, you will still be able to watch the videos and do the activities. First of all try to list all the birds that you can think of then extend your knowledge by looking at the following:
After you have done that, you can see if you can identify the birds and their birdsong for any birds in your garden or if you go for a walk. Can you find all the birds on this sheet?

Then if you want to you can try sketching some birds – either from photographs in any books you have, images on the above websites or photos you take yourself.
If you do have birds in your garden you might like to make a bird feeder and then you might attract even more birds. I know some of you have done this already and have made bird houses too. Here one idea:
Some more ideas can be found here including making use of old toilet rolls. I had great fun making this one and here’s my photos.

Finally if you want to observe a bird that you are unlikely to see in your garden, then have a look at this osprey live-cam.