Hi everyone, I hope that you had a great half-term break with lots of fresh air in the sun. I have to start with a MASSIVE well done for all of you that have been logging onto EPIC and reading lots of the books that I have out there for you. As a class you have now read 100 books and gained the next award level. I have recently added lots more books so do go and have a look.
From next week we are going to move away from class blogs to one school blog that all the teachers will contribute to. This will ensure that we can focus on exciting themes and that all of Brandesburton Primary school, at home or at school, can take part in the same activities. We know it has been difficult for parents with children in different year groups. More on this later in the week, you will have to check back in when we reveal what the first amazing theme will be, but it will be be great!
With that in mind I have changed my plans for another book based literacy unit like Jack and the Beanstalk that might take some weeks, so this week I have found a literacy unit with lots of different activities that you can dip in and out of as you wish. It is based on the tale of the Elves and the Shoemaker. It has been emailed to everyone who’s address I’ve got. If you are not on my mailing list and would like a copy, please send me a message at plattenk@brandesburton.eriding.net. I’ve added the pdf below too. Spellings will be posted later today.
Here’s one of the activities in the booklet, but it includes reading, story writing, postcard writing, grammar, clothes designing and even some science!
For maths today i thought we’d return to the type of challenges I posted in the very first weeks of home schooling as you all seemed to like them. remember you can also access BBCbitesize for maths, and also White Rose maths for daily year 2 maths videos and activities.
Today sees the launch of the Wildlife Trusts 30 days of June project and is something that you can all get involved in as it’s really fun. The idea is to complete a challenge for every day in June and you can also download your own passport and timetable and print it out if you want to. If you want to sign up as a family click here: https://action.wildlifetrusts.org/page/59240/petition/1?supporter.questions.409397=home
Don’t forget to check back later this morning for this week’s spelling post!