Just a few pictures to share of work completed at home recently. A solution to the maths homework challenge, an amazing piece of Titanic work on the ipad and some writing practising phonics and tricky words. Well done to all those who have used EPIC reading over the last two weeks as well. Please have a look on the class 2 2dos on Purple Mash to see what activities have been added there for class 2 to try. One class member has scored 9/10 on the Titanic quiz, can you get full marks? After half-term our focus will be on preparing for the phonics screening test that we will undertake in November so try to log onto phonics play in the meantime and practise reading and sorting real and nonsense words using the games Dragon’s Den, Picnic on Pluto and Buried Treasure, recapping phase 3, 4 and 5. The free login details for phonics play that were issued by the website over lockdown expired yesterday. Please look out for a text message that will be sent tomorrow with the login details for the school’s paid subscription.