Last week class 2 were very busy creating their non-chronological reports on a range of mini-beasts, linked to our science work. The pupils learned all about including sub-headings, writing in paragraphs and using factual and technical language. They also used i-pads to research some really interesting Did you know? facts to complete their reports. In the afternoons they have been applying their developing skills in writing non-chronological reports by writing about different aspects of the Titanic, including first and third class passengers, food and entertainment. The children have been working in mixed-ability groups and have really enjoyed this task. They are very proud of what they have produced.
Rehearsals for the Key Stage One Christmas performance have been well under way and last week all the pupils delivered their lines without using their scripts which was a fantastic achievement. At the end of this week will be our dress rehearsal when we will perform to the rest of the school!
Homework for this week will be a continuation of last week’s work on consolidating the reading and spelling of the year two common exception words.