Class 2 LOVED Arts week last week! We investigated and created poetry and then all of the pupils created self-portraits. They have a special Arts Week book which will be going home very soon. This week we are back consolidating our work on measure and continuing our diary writing work in relation to the Great Fire of London. We also have a special treat this week. Key Stage One have been donated a sum of money for an enrichment activity. We decided that we would invite back he lady who did a pottery workshop with us before. This time we will be created painted ceramic tiles of different flowers that we have observed in our science lessons and outdoor learning. We are very excited for this! Next week will be our sports week and amongst lots of other activities we will be looking forward to our visit to Brandesburton Bowls Club.
For homework this week, there is a practical activity. We have been learning about and practising weighing different items in grams and kilograms. If you have some weighing scales at home or some bathroom scales, can you find different objects around the house and estimate how heavy they will be and then weigh them? There is also a recording sheet on the class Seesaw account if you would like to use it.
If you would like to complete any additional work, there are lots of activities relating to the Great Fire of London on our class Purple Mash account on the 2do section.