Class 2 have been working so hard on completing their place value maths unit. This week they have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and then in 3s! Getting the hang of following the pattern for 3’s was quite tricky but everyone persevered so well done class 2, we are really proud of you.
In English, everyone has been enthusiastically working on turning their amazing farm visits from last week into exciting recounts. They have been learning about writing in the past tense and using -ed verb endings, adding time connectives to their sentences and using lots of fab noun expansion. We can’t wait to showcase their brilliant work. Watch this space!
On Tuesday it was World Mental Health Day. After a thought provoking assembly, class 2 were encouraged to share different things they could do to make themselves feel better or relax. They certainly had some great ideas including cuddles with family, stroking their puppy, going on a bike ride, playing with friends, drawing, playing outside, going for a walk and eating pizza! You can see some of their brilliant work below.

We would like you to consolidate your work on counting on in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s. We started at zero but then progressed to starting at any number in the 2, 5 or 10 times table up to 100. We would like you to do some extra practice on this at home before we move on next week to our addition and subtraction unit. You can use your Purple Mash logon at home to go onto the 2do section and find the following activities

Or, you can try the Topmarks paint the squares activity at the following link.
You could also try these problem solving sheets. They will also be on Seesaw so you can write over the template or write the answers in your homework book and upload a photograph. Challenge yourself top see how much of the worksheet you can complete.

This week’s spelling at from the Year 2 common exception words list. Please read through the spellings below and practise them and think carefully about the pattern. Could you think of a sentence that uses all ten spelling words? Upload your work to Seesaw if you can. There will also be the spelling quiz on the Purple Mash 2dos if you would like to try it, although we will do the quiz in school as well.

Our home reading score this week was at 75%. This means that a significant number of children didn’t manage to read at home three times or more. We are really hoping that next week we can be up in the high 90s again. Please could you support your child/children by listening to them read three times! We are happy for them to write their own comment, explaining what happened or what they enjoyed in the pages they read!