It has been such a busy week in class 2. There has been an absolute whirlwind of activity. Firstly the children finished off their letters to Santa and posted them in the class post box which was very exciting for them. They have also been experimenting with printing techniques to produce some highly original and individual Christmas cards which are looking fantastic. On Tuesday Key Stage One performed their school play to the rest of the school. Despite being a little nervous at having a live audience, they all sang and danced their hearts out and said their lines very clearly. We very much look forward to welcoming you to watch the performance on either Tuesday or Wednesday next week. All tickets have been allocated. On Wednesday it was Christmas Dinner Day with most children choosing to enjoy one of Mrs Gell’s delicious school dinners with roast turkey and all the trimmings follow by a snowman biscuit. All of the children looked amazing in their festive Christmas jumpers and they enjoyed pulling crackers with their friends.
No homework this week other than to read at least three times and to do some final practising of your lines for the play. Do look out for some optional festive activities that will appear on Seesaw and Purple Mash towards the end of next week to keep you busy until Santa arrives!

Food tasting
To begin our exciting Design and Technology unit, the children have been trying different soups and bread rolls. Oxtail was surprising the biggest hit, although Mrs Joplin’s homemade pumpkin soup didn’t go down so well!!! The children are going to be investigating different flavours in order to make it extra yummy and making their own pumpkin soup and carrot soup to serve to parents as they attend the play next week. So please come ready and prepared to try one of our homemade bread rolls and delicious soups!
Unfortunately, our reading percentages dropped slightly from last week to 68% Let’s have one final push for next week and see if we can get a Christmas miracle of 100%!
We know each and every one of you can do it!