Class 2 have excitedly begun their art unit this week. The focus this term is on sculpture. The children are investigating different techniques for sculpting before designing and creating their own 3D tile which will feature a bridge. The children are drawing their inspiration from old railway posters and also from their history work on Isambard Kingdom Brunel and his engineering work designing bridges. We are looking forward to creating an impressive display just like the puppet display from our Design Technology work.

We completed our science work on plants this week. The children have enjoyed learning about the differences between seeds and bulbs, germination and the life cycle of a bean plant. They have finished their last entries in their bean diaries and measured their bean plants for the last time before taking them home. We definitely have some green fingers in the class!
This week is the last week of practising telling the time in maths. Next week we will have our end of unit test before completing some revision work on the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Some of the pupils enjoyed playing a time board game and using the Chromebooks to consolidate their learning.

Please keep reading as much as possible. We really do need everyone to be reading at home at least three times a week. Reading has so many benefits for independently accessing other areas of the curriculum and for firing the imagination for writing. Please also see Seesaw for this week’s homework activity on word classification which will help consolidate learning for the grammar part of the year 2 SATs tests which will be happening in June.
This week we will be consolidating learning on all of the spelling patterns undertaken this half term. Please have a look back through previous blog posts at the different spelling patterns we have covered and also the year 1 and year 2 common exception word lists. Have you updated your common exception word fish recently with the words you can now read and spell?

This week we had a slight improvement in our reading score: 83% of us read this week. Please keep this up class 2. We know that the more reading we do then better we get in lots of different subjects.
For the past few weeks, on a Friday afternoon, we have been lucky enough to have been taught by Mr Elliott from the Music Service. This week we got to listen to him playing his electric guitar as well as practising singing and clapping in time to the music.