Dear parents,

Next week our year 2 pupils will undertake Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) in reading, writing, spelling and grammar. The tests will take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday morning and the normal school curriculum will be taught at all other times.
The outcomes of the tests sit alongside teacher assessment to give an informed overview of pupil progress throughout year 2. The tests are marked by the class teachers.
All pupils have been well prepared for the tests through their usual lessons, practice tests and class homework and all children are familiar with the layout and structure of the tests. There is no need for any child to be worried about the tests and we have had lots of discussions with the children about simply trying their best. Any children who are absent for the tests will need to do them when they return.
If you have any queries regarding the SATs, please do speak to Mrs Joplin or Mrs Platten.

Thank you for your continued support!

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