In maths we have been continuing with our number line work and have been comparing numbers. Quite a few children reverse numbers when they are writing them, it would be really helpful if you could practise writing numbers 1-10 with your child. In English we completed our wanted posters for our alien characters with some amazing descriptions. You may see some of these up around school. We are also going to be recording an oral version of these and uploading them to Seesaw. We have looked at the differences between fiction and non-fiction books. In computing this week we have been learning how to send an email on Purple Mash. The children’s Purple Mash log ins are now in their reading records so you can access this at home. Please can the children practise logging in when you can at home. In science we had to abandon our pond dipping due to bad weather so we hope to do this next week. In RW we enjoyed a trip over to the church to explore the inside and outside and to see what we could find. Finally, in history we looked at the similarities and differences between transport from 100 years ago and transport now.

The whole school celebrated European Day of Languages on Thursday with an assembly where we practised saying ‘hello’ in other languages. All of class 2 also helped with a retelling of The Hungry Caterpillar story… except it was in French!

What’s happening next week:

In Science we will hopefully be back in the wildlife garden doing our pond dipping and additional work on minibeast habitats. In History we will be continuing to look at and compare transport and also learning more about Amy Johnson. In PE we will be continuing with hockey and tag rugby. In computing we will be exploring email a little more.

Hopefully everyone has now managed to access the class 2 Seesaw account. Please do visit Seesaw regularly as we are constantly updating the content and we do love to see what you have uploaded too. It has been great to see your photos of the places you like to read. Thank-you Louis and Elsie for uploading your reading photos.


This week’s spelling focus has been Homophones and near-homophones. The children will practise these spellings in school but please also ensure they practise at home, the children will stick them in their reading logs every week in school and these will usually come home on a Monday. There will be a spelling test every Friday. Below we have posted what they had this week and also next week’s so they can be practising over the weekend if they wish. The spelling sheets that the children complete daily in school will also be sent home at the end of the week for you to revisit when you wish.

Please continue to send in your reading photos to add to our reading wall. We had hoped to show you a photo of our updated reading wall display but unfortunately we still haven’t got quite enough photos. Please ask mum or dad to take a photo and either upload it to the class Seesaw account or email it to or and we will print them off and display them.

To support maths learning please try to access the Topmarks website Hit the Button activity to practise number bonds to 10 and 20 and 2x. 5x and 10x tables. This will greatly speed up maths mental skills and allow the children to apply their learning to other areas of maths such as problem solving. This is also available as an app for Ipads and mobile phones. Another great FREE app to download to support mental maths skills is the White Rose One minute Maths app. As we follow White Rose for our maths curriculum, this aligns perfectly.

Class focus:

We are working on developing our independence and self-help skills so that the children have strategies to support their learning when an adult is not working with their group.

Dates for your diary:

Monday 14th October – Harvest assembly and start of our East Yorkshire Food Bank appeal. Please see this week’s school newsletter for more details.

Monday 21st October – Key Stage One trip to Hull and Ferens Art Gallery – letter to follow shortly

Weekly Round Up 27.9.24

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