
This week in maths we have continued with addition and subtraction. Some of the children have struggled to apply number bonds to ten to help with addition. For example, being able to quickly add 3+6+7 because they already know that 3+7 will total ten and they just need to add on 6 more. Also continuing number bonds patterns such as if they know 3 + 7 = 10 then they also know 13 + 7 = 20, 23 + 7 = 30, 33+7 = 40 and so on. Recognising and continuing patterns is an important concept in understanding maths. Please help your child practice this. A worksheet has been added to Seesaw. This does not need to be printed, it can be completed by using the online Seesaw tools. You can also access number bond activities on the Topmarks website which was mentioned on last week’s class blog. In English we have planned and started to write our descriptions of our imaginary planets. Make way for fluffy, marshmallow clouds and lakes made of strawberry milkshake! In computing this week we started exploring and learning about digital footprints. Please can the children continue to practise logging in to Purple Mash when you can at home. In science we discussed what would be a suitable habitat for woodlice and why. We then went out into the school grounds and did a tally of woodlice in two different areas and compared them. This also gave us the opportunity to practise counting in fives. In RW we looked at what it means to become part of the Christian faith. We discussed baptisms and christenings. The children enjoyed sharing their stories, including a christening in Spain. Please email/send in/upload to seesaw any photographs of the children taking part in any of these religious events. Finally, in history we investigated timelines then ordered some of Amy Johnson’s achievements on our own timeline.

What’s happening next week: In science the pupils will be learning about food chains including completing a practical activity pretending to be a bird! In computing we will be exploring digital footprints in a little more detail. In history we will be recapping everything we have learned about Amy Johnson and will be answering some of the questions we wanted to find out at the beginning of the unit. In RW we will be learning about what we might see inside an Islamic Mosque.

Class Focus:

We are working on developing our independence and self-help skills so that the children have strategies to support their learning when an adult is not working with their group.


This week’s spelling focus has been common exception words. The spelling test is now on Mondays. Please ensure the children practise spellings at home, the children stick their new spellings in their reading logs every Monday. Below we have posted what they had this week so they can be practising over the weekend. The spelling sheets that the children complete daily in school will also be sent home each week for you to revisit when you can.

Just a reminder that PE days are now Tuesdays and Fridays (except next week ONLY W/C 14th October it will be Monday and Friday, text sent home yesterday).

Dates for your diary:

Monday 14th October – Harvest assembly and start of our East Yorkshire Food Bank appeal. Please bring your donations of baked beans, tinned vegetables, tinned fish, teabags or coffee any day this week and leave in the cardboard boxes outside reception. Many thanks in advance.

Tuesday 15th October  – Parents evening meetings – appointment times have been sent home this week

Monday 21st October – Key Stage One trip to Hull and Ferens Art Gallery – thank-you for returning permission slips and making a contribution online towards the cost. We really can’t run these trips without additional financial support from both the PTFA and from parents so it is massively appreciated.

Friday 25th October – KS1 will enjoy another visit from the artist Charlotte Eldred as part of East Riding arts creativity week.
This day will also be our school ‘Be Bright Be Seen’ Day which children can celebrate by coming to school wearing bright colours.

Weekly round up 11.10.24

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