In English we have started a new unit on non-chronological reports. We have been identifying features of a non-chronological report so that we can start to plan and write our own next week. In maths we have completed our unit on addition and subtraction working with two-digit numbers and we are looking forward to investigating 2D shape next week. In science we completed our work on drawing and labelling world habitats. In geography we been looking at maps and symbols on maps. We all drew our own map of the school and added our own symbols in a key. In RW we were very lucky to be able to look at Mina and her family’s Quran. Thank you for sharing these bits with us.
Of course, on Wednesday the children were VERY excited to see that it was snowing. They had a lovely morning playtime making the most of it.

What’s happening next week:
We will be rehearsing for our KS1 Christmas play. Please support your child in practising and learning their lines.
Class Focus:
We are revisiting our class charter that the children worked collaboratively on in September. Some children are struggling to consistently make the right choices with their behaviour and show respect and tolerance towards others.
This week’s spelling focus has been words ending in – tion. The spelling test is on Mondays. Please ensure the children practise spellings at home, the children stick their new spellings in their reading logs every Monday. Below we have posted what they had this week so they can be practising over the weekend, please also practise applying them in sentences. The spelling sheets that the children complete daily in school will also be sent home each week for you to revisit when you can. We play lots of spelling games with our words, ask your child what games we have been playing so you can play them at home too. We also have a good discussion about the meaning of the words if we’re not sure.

Just a reminder that PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. There may be some Tuesdays that we might not get chance to do PE due to practising the Christmas play but please come in PE kit on those days as normal.
Dates for your diary:
27th November: Come dine with me events. Join your child for one of Mrs Gell’s delicious roast dinners
4th December: Charlotte Eldred the artist will once again be in school working with the children. She will be helping them to design Doodle Art Christmas cards.
10th December – KS1 Christmas Play 10.45am
12th December – KS1 Play 1.30pm