In English this week we have continued with the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have been working on retelling the story using all the vocabulary and sentence work we have done so far. The children have made some outstanding vocabulary choices to describe the pigs, the houses and the wolf. They have also practised using a range of different sentence starters and the conjunctions and, but, because. Next week we hope to video record the children reading their stories and add them to the class Seesaw account so watch this space! We linked our English work to our science work this week as we considered what materials would be most suitable for building the three little pigs’ houses. We decided straw definitely wasn’t a good option as it is weak,flimsy, fragile and not waterproof.
In Maths we have been working hard on consolidating our times tables and division skills. We will finish this block next week. Below is the statutory National Curriculum requirements that all pupils working at the expected standard at the end of year 2 should achieve:

Please support your child’s development in multiplication and division by playing times tables games at home and checking which times tables your child knows confidently. The link to the Topmarks maths games site has been added to the class Seesaw account. Multiplication and division will form part of the maths SATs test that all year 2 pupils will undertake at the end of May. Please do ask if you would like any further support with multiplication and division activities for your child.
On Monday afternoon Class 1 and 2 visited the church as part of our RW work. We were looking at what we could see inside a Christian place of worship. We found an organ, crosses, pulpit, lectern, font and pews. In computing we looked at surrealism artwork and had a go at creating our own, take a look below. Ask your child what different artwork we have created in our computing so far this term.

What’s happening next week:
Our championing writing event takes place on Monday. Thank-you to those who attended the championing maths event last week. We hope lots of you can make it to see the children write the final part of their Three Little Pigs story.
This week’s spelling focus is the /l/ or /ɘl/ sound spelt -al at the end of words. The children have worked really hard with their spellings in school, please continue to practise at home. It’s really important the children get to know the spelling patterns as this can really affect the spelling outcome. Ask your child what spelling tasks we’ve done this week, can they show you one of the spelling games we have done.

Class Focus:
Cracking those times tables in maths. Continuing to develop our writing stamina by building daily sentence writing into our week.
Dates for your diary:

. We will also celebrating Safer Internet Day on 11th February and raising awareness of keeping safe when using the internet.