In English this week we have completed our written retells of The Three Little Pigs story. The children have started to record them and they will be on Seesaw soon. They have also had a go at giving each other written peer feedback and a ‘wish’ for how they can improve their work even further. In Maths we have finished our multiplication and division unit and completed our end of unit test. We have started a short unit on measuring length and height and recapping on what centimetres, millimetres and metres are. In science the children worked in groups to investigate the best material for an umbrella for teddy. Two children extended their investigation at home – well done Hollie and Isabelle! In History we continued our learning on the Great fire of London. Well done Angelica for doing some research at home and sharing this information with the class. In computing we have finished our creating pictures unit and moved on to creating music. We used the 2sequence tool on Purple Mash and had fun composing our own tunes.

What’s happening next week:
Next week is art week. We look forward to getting arty and creative linking our work to the Great Fire of London.
This week’s spelling focus is the year 2 common exception words. Next week we will be testing all year 2 common exception words (the fish sent home in September). Please continue to practise both the year 1 and 2 CEW. This week we did the online spelling quiz, spelling bingo and rainbow words. What spelling activity can you do at home to help you learn the words?

Class Focus:
Telling the truth and owning up when we have made the wrong choice. We have had a few incidents when this hasn’t happened this week. We will use circle times to reinforce this.
Dates for your diary:

We will also celebrating Safer Internet Day on 11th February and raising awareness of keeping safe when using the internet.