
This week has been art week. The children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring with painting, colour mixing and creating different textures. They have produce came fantastic work depicting the Great Fire of London with silhouette Tudor buildings. We hope to post our very own online gallery after the half-term break.
The recordings of the children’s story retell of The Three Little Pigs are all complete and are on the class Seesaw account. Please do go on and have a watch and leave a comment. The children are really proud of their work.

Safer Internet Day:

This was on Tuesday and we started with a class circle on how to keep ourselves safe online. We then read a story together about a young girl who was excited to go online on her new game and the problems she encountered. The children had emoticon faces to show how they would feel at each part of the story if they were in that situation (happy, sad, worried, scared, confused and angry. They held up their emoticon card and discussed their feelings and what steps they could take next. We finished our session with a discussion on trusted adults. The children came up with lots of suggestions for this in different places and scenarios including parents, grandparents, child minder, club leader, teachers and school support staff. We were very impressed with their knowledge of Internet safety.

What’s happening next week:

Next week is half-term! Time to have family time and recharge.


This week’s spellings. Please continue to practise spellings at home.

Class Focus: 

We have continued to work on kindness and thinking about ways we can show this.

Dates for your diary:

Weekly catch up 14.2.25

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