
In English we have started a new unit based on the book ‘Katie in London’. This week the children have been following the story and and finding out about different London Landmarks that Katie visits so that they can plan a postcard home in the character of Katie. The children have enjoyed finding out about such things at the Crown Jewels and also the lions in Trafalgar Square. In maths we have started our mass, capacity and temperature unit. In science we carried out an investigation into which material would make the best shoelace, with the children testing out paper, elastic, string, felt, fabric ribbon and pipecleaners. We will continue this next week when they will evaluate and justify their choices based on strength, flexibility and ease of use. In computing we completed the making music unit and all successfully composed some music.

What’s happening next week:

World Book Day is happening on Thursday! Please see previous school newsletters for information. We are inviting every child to come dressed up as a character from a David Walliams book.


This week’s spellings. Please continue to practise spellings at home.

Class Focus: Independence – The children are not new to class routines now. We are looking for children who can follow our class routines independently without needing lots of reminders. Reading – as it is World Book Day, please make a real effort to hear your child read as many times as possible to help with fluency and reading stamina.

Dates for your diary:

Weekly catch up 28.2.25

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