In maths we have done the end of the place value unit assessment and have begun the focus on addition and subtraction. In English we have moved onto learning about imaginary settings descriptions using the book The Smeds and the Smoos. We have also looked at some features of non-fiction texts including contents page, headings, sub headings and the glossary. In computing this week we have been exploring Purple Mash email some more and learning how to attach a picture to an email. Please can the children continue to practise logging in to Purple Mash when you can at home. In science we designed our own microhabitats and labelled the drawings with what minibeasts would live there. In RW we looked at Christianity in more detail and explored some faith stories. In History we sorted old/past and new/present transport and also learnt some more key facts about Amy Johnson.

This week we also had a pumpkin assembly! Please see the school newsletter for a report on this. Many thanks to the Pumpkin Patch at Bewholme for supplying us with a fantastic pumpkin and allowing Peter to visit!

What’s happening next week:

In Science we will hopefully be back in the wildlife garden observing the habitats of woodlice. In History we will be looking at ordering Amy Johnson’s achievements on a timeline. In computing we will be learning about digital footprints and what they mean. Finally, in RW we will be learning about why Christians get baptised.


This week’s spelling focus has been The /i:/ sound spelt ey. Please ensure the children practise spellings at home, the children stick them in their reading logs every Monday. The spelling test has been a Friday but from next week this will change to a Monday. Below we have posted what they had this week and also next week’s so they can be practising over the weekend if they wish. The spelling sheets that the children complete daily in school will also be sent home week for you to revisit when you can.

Last call for reading photos to add to our reading wall! Please ask mum or dad to take a photo and either upload it to the class Seesaw account or email it to or and we will print them off and display them. Thank-you to George, Isabelle and Louis who’s photos were added to our wall this week.

To support maths learning please try to access the Topmarks website Hit the Button activity to practise number bonds to 10 and 20 and 2x. 5x and 10x tables. This will greatly speed up maths mental skills and allow the children to apply their learning to other areas of maths such as problem solving. This is also available as an app for Ipads and mobile phones. Another great FREE app to download to support mental maths skills is the White Rose One minute Maths app. As we follow White Rose for our maths curriculum, this aligns perfectly.

Class focus:

We are working on developing our independence and self-help skills so that the children have strategies to support their learning when an adult is not working with their group.

Just a reminder that PE days as from next w/c 7th October will be Tuesdays and Fridays. Finally, please can we have all trip slips and contributions back asap.

Dates for your diary:

Monday 14th October – Harvest assembly and start of our East Yorkshire Food Bank appeal. Please see this week’s school newsletter for more details.

Tuesday 15th October  – Parents evening meetings

Monday 21st October – Key Stage One trip to Hull and Ferens Art Gallery – letter came home this week.

Friday 25th October – KS1 will enjoy another visit from the artist Charlotte Eldred as part of East Riding arts creativity week.
This day will also be our school ‘Be Bright Be Seen’ Day which children can celebrate by coming to school wearing bright colours.

Weekly Round Up 4.10.24

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