
In English this week we have continued with the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have been writing sentences to describe the characters and thinking about using expanded noun phrases in our writing. Thursday was National Handwriting Day and we worked extra hard on our presentation. You can see an example of one of our class 2 pupil’s work below.

In Maths we have been working hard on multiplication and division. This week we have looked at doubling and halving and odd and even numbers. Please continue to practise this at home and in the car etc. The children have enjoyed some of the Jack Hartmann counting and times tables videos so a link to these wil be posted on our Seesaw account. There are lots of games on Top Marks Maths;


On Monday, we completed different activities for ‘World Religion Day’ to link to our RW (Religion and Worldviews). Each class in the school created a page for our whole school fact file on Religion and Faith, we researched Hinduism. In History we were writing down what we knew about the Great Fire of London and also writing questions of what we would like to find out. In Dance, we have added the next part to our ‘Thriller’ dance routine. It’s looking great so far and the children have done so well getting into character for the routine. In science we investigated a range of different objects to see if they could be twisted, bent, stretched and squashed. We then discussed how this could be useful.

What’s happening next week:

On Monday afternoon, Class 1 and 2 will be visiting the church again and looking at the inside in closer detail for our RW topic. We will be continuing with multiplication and division looking at the 10 and 5 times tables. We also have our whole-school championing maths event on Wednesdaay and we would love to see you.


This week’s spelling focus is the /l/or /ɘl/ sound spelt -el at the end of words. The children have worked really hard with their spellings in school, please continue to practise at home. Ask your child what spelling tasks we’ve done this week, can they show you one of the spelling games we have done.

Class Focus: 

We will be continuing to work on our presentation and practise our joined-up handwriting. Miss Nothern and Mrs Altoft will be about with their secret Handwriting Heroes awards, who will get one this week?

Dates for your diary:

Please note date change for the championing writing event. We will also celebrating Safer Internet Day on 11th February and raising awareness of keeping safe when using the internet.

Weekly catch up 24.1.25

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