In English we have completed our postcards from London. The children wrote enthusiastically about all of the London landmarks they had learned about from reading the book Katie in London and from going on a virtual tour of London by watching a live action version of Katie in London. We will have all of the postcards on display in the classroom next week. In maths we have almost completed our work on measure. The children have been learning about the mass of an object and also capacity in liquids. They have been learning to use the standard measures gram, kilogram, millilitre and litre. In science we have finished the shoelace investigation that we started last week and made our final selections for the best material for a shoelace. In PE we have started our Spring 2 units of orienteering and gymnastics. In RW we have looked at the inside of different Mosques. We took a virtual tour inside and the children enjoyed seeing the features we have been learning about including the prayer mats, washrooms and Mirhab.
World Book Day:
What fun we had dressing up as our favourite David Walliams characters and doing our catwalk. Congratulations to Chloe and Holly who won prizes for the best outfits. Thank-you to all the parents who helped sort outfits and to Mrs Irvin who helped lots of pupils with character ideas, props and books. The class also enjoyed the teacher book read swap. Mrs Joplin came and read a story to class 2, Miss McIntyre read to class 5 and Mrs Platten read to Foundation Stage. It was lovely that so many stories were shared. What do you think of our character dress-ups?

What’s happening next week:
Parents evening appointments are taking place on Tuesday. Please check your child’s bookbag for the appointment slip showing your time.
It is British Science Week. We will be taking part in an exciting workshop on Monday. On Wednesday you are invited into school from 2.30pm to take part in our Championing Science event where you watch your child’s investigative science lesson.
This week’s spellings. Please continue to practise spellings at home.