In maths we have started our unit on money. The pupils have realised how they can apply their times table knowledge to counting amounts of 2ps, 5ps and 10ps. Next week we continue this work and will be looking at adding up money amounts for notes and coins and working out giving change. If you can help support this life skill at home by letting your child count different amounts of money or set up a little shop, this would be really useful. In English we have been writing character descriptions for the main character of the story Katie in London. We have worked on structuring our sentences in different ways and we have practised different sentence starters. In RW the children were keen to share and discuss our visitors that came last week. It was lovely to see the children so enthused. In computing we been working on coding and learning how to give actions to make something move.

British Science Week:

Class 2 had a brilliant time joining in with British Science Week. On Monday they took part in an engaging workshop run by Energising Futures as part of the Northen Gasworks education programme. The educator, Dave, was amazing with the children and pitched the presentation and activities just at the right level for the children. They learned alot about Net Zero and looking after the world they live in. On Wednesday the pupils worked in groups to answer some scientific questions aimed at developing their scientific vocabulary. One of the questions they discussed was ‘What if paper was banned in your school?’ They looked at the possible positives of this (no writing!) as well as considering the negatives (no books to read). Finally they took part in an investigation to test the dunkability of different biscuits. They loved doing this and concluded that chocolate digestives dunked better than plain ones and then they gave their reasons why. Of course we had to finish by eating a chocolate biscuit before hometime! Thanks for all of the parents who supported the event.



This week’s spellings. Please continue to practise spellings at home.

Class Focus: Independence – The children are not new to class routines now. We are looking for children who can follow our class routines independently without needing lots of reminders. Writing – We are having a big focus on writing. Please encourage your child to have a go at writing when possible, this could be shopping lists, writing jokes or writing about their favourite part from their reading book.

Dates for your diary:

Weekly catch up 14.3.25

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