Thank-you to Ruby, Evie, Lottie and Jacob for sending work across to me today. Evie has made a fab Easter egg picture and Jacob’s seeds that he planted the other day are growing well. Well done to Ruby on the…
If we had been in school this week, we would have been finishing our last bits of work on our houses and homes theme. Instead please find details of a competition that you can enter if you would like to…
Inventor Hunt
Have a go at this inventor hunt and let me know how you get on!
Purple Mash updates
Lots of you have used Purple Mash this week for spelling, maths and theme work. Well done! I have left you a comment for when you next log in. I have also added LOTS of new 2dos including some Easter…
Daily maths challenge
Week 2 home learning
Morning everyone, I hope you had a good weekend. It was my birthday so I ate lots of chocolate! We will have birthday buns when we get back to school. This week I want you to try and learn a…
Class 2 superstars
I have had lots of photos and pieces of work emailed to me and I can see that lots of you are still busy on Purple Mash. Keep it going guys, it’s the weekend tomorrow! First up today are Evie…
Zoo update
Thank-you Evie for the fab giraffe picture. I hope lots of you managed to watch and enjoy the live streaming from Chester Zoo today.
Maths challenge
Home learning Friday
Today Chester Zoo is live from your own home and you can watch all the different animals throughout the day. Just go to the Chester Zoo Facebook page. (Make sure an adult is with you). It might also be available…