Just in, some fab outdoor learning photos from Lara and her sister Eliza. Give them a wave!
Online safety and parent support resources
We have been by the local authority to post a link to these online safety resources. There is some excellent reassuring information and also some activities to complete at home.
Web resources
Please don’t feel you HAVE to access any or all of the links I post, they are just there so that you have a variety of things to try out if you wish.Carol Vorderman has made her maths resources free…
Daily maths challenge
Today’s maths challenge involves pirate gold! Thank-you to William who sent through a photo of his maths work from yesterday. Well done to everyone who has accessed the Purple Mash 2do activities, I can see that lots of you have…
Update on rainbows and web resources
A beautiful rainbow picture from Isabelle has just come in. Mrs Gardner has found some more educational web reources that might be worth visiting. https://tpet.co.uk/downloads/category/home-learning/?fbclid=IwAR2O8JtzPQ4AGgSNF6YSOqan2AV1357Zm8QoPA144Cyvf_iRWe9v1HJZLls and also this one https://www.transum.org/Software/SW/Starter_of_the_day/?fbclid=IwAR3qNCdUqbRweIjdl3l0AkhohvHGeba4lJ0rE26WYlJGbTwFEfIhb7sSUvY
Daily maths challenge
Well done to those who posted and also emailed their answers yesterday. Here is today’s challenge. It’s a money task today.
Morning everyone!
Firstly we have a beautiful rainbow made by Riley to brighten our day. Keep them coming by email and I’ll post all the ones that I receive. Don’t forget to put them up in your windows too. The sun is…
Rainbow pictures
The first of the rainbow pictures set as our art challenge. Don’t they look fab? Well done William.
Cosmic kids yoga
If you enjoyed being active with Joe Wicks Body Coach workout this morning, try the Comic Kids yoga site too. https://www.youtube.com/cosmickidsyoga
Home learning letter
Just in case anyone missed the class 2 home learning letter through absence at the end of last week, I have posted it here.