Let the virtual learning environment begin!
Hello everyone. I hope you are going to join in with the Joe Wicks online P.E. session today at 9am, I know I am! Let me know if you do by leaving a comment on the blog. Going forward, the…
More useful websites
Lots of content to be added tomorrow. Stay safe – stay home.
P.E. activities
Joe Wicks will be posting primary P.E. workouts live every day from 9-9.30 on his Body Coach TV youtube channel. A good way to start the day and burn off some energy (mums, dads and carers can join in too!)
In addition to the information and links that will be sent home from school today, I will also post any new educational links that I come across that may support home learning. Can I re-iterate that taking time out for…
Reading information
Children can download free eBooks from the library, they just need a library membership and pin number, but it’s free to join and can be done online. There’s lots of great children’s eBooks/eAudiobooks and some interesting magazines like National Geographic…
British Science Week
A fantastic assortment of science related work was completed last week and the children’s enjoyment was evident to see. We investigated ice balloons including predicting whether they would float or not and what would happen if we put salt or…
Revolutionising Reading week
We have had a great time this week using the book ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ as the basis for our work. We started by creating a display for our door and later in the week we wrote letters from…
Handstand skills in P.E.
Last week class 2 were busy consolidating their gymnastic skills. After a warm-up game using bunny hops, they all tried really hard to do t-balances and scissor kicks leading into having a go at a full handstand. Everyone challenged themselves…
Working together in maths and English
Class 2 have worked collaboratively with their peers to produce a Monster poem using a question, a statement and a command. Following on from this, they were then able to work more independently in order to produce their very own…