In English we have been working on our storyboards for innovating the story of Katie in London. The children will be drawing on their knowledge gained in their history lessons on the Great Fire of London to invent a new drama happening in Pudding Lane! In maths we have completed our money unit and the end of unit test. We also made a start on our Food Technology unit by looking at the Eatwell Guide and discussing different food groups.
Next week:
We will be focussing on our Food Technology unit. We will be investigating the processes involved in bread production and taste testing different breads before finally baking our own bread. We hope to offer our breadcakes for sale after school on Wednesday for a voluntary donation. We will also be learning about the importance of Easter to the Christian faith.
This week’s spellings. These focus on examples from all of the spelling patterns we have covered this half-term. Please continue to practise the weekly spellings at home.

Class Focus:
Reading, reading and reading. Well done to everyone who really tried to improve their home reading this week. We had lots of children reading five times and earning themselves a postcard home and a visit to Miss Northen. Please keep this up as we are undertaking Read Write Inc group assessments this week and want everyone to be able to show increased reading fluency.
Dates for your diary:
On Wednesday this week we will be undertaking our traditional egg-rolling competition. All classes will participate and prizes will be awarded. All equipment will be provided so the children don’t need to bring anything.