Weekly catch up 10.1.25


Welcome back and Happy New Year to you all. We hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a good rest. Thank you again for all the lovely Christmas presents and cards – so very kind! It was lovely to hear what all the children have been up to over the break.
We’ve had a great first week back and the children have settled back into the routine well. We have started looking at our Dreams and Goals Jigsaw PSHE unit. We had an amazing circle time discussing what everyone hopes to improve in at school this term and their steps to success to get there. In science we started our brand new unit on Uses of Everyday Materials. We did a materials treasure hunt around the classroom and brainstormed adjectives to describe the properties of different materials. In maths we are working on the multiplication and division block. Year 2 age related expectations by the end of the school year is that pupils will know the 2 times, 5 times and 10 times tables and related division facts in any order. Please support us in helping your child practise their times tables at home in order to achieve this. In PE we started dance and football and also started our new computing unit of creating pictures. We looked at impressionist artists and artwork and we all created our own piece of artwork using the 2paint a picture tools on Purple Mash.

What’s happening next week:

We will be starting our full curriculum and continuing the fantastic start we have made with our handwriting and presentation.


We’ve had a big focus on our ‘CEW’ (common exception words) this week and hopefully everyone has been practising at home. Everyone should have the CEW fishes at home. Remember to colour half the word when you can read it and the whole word when you can write and spell it consistently. We have been testing the reading of these words this week and will test the spelling of a selection of words next week.

Class Focus:  We are having a big focus on writing across the school and our own writing skills. We have made a great start and we look forward to the coming weeks to see further improvements.

Dates for your diary:

Weekly catch up 20.12.24


On Monday we had a DT day and got our biplanes made. We had lots of fun working in groups and helping each other. They look absolutely fab and are now on display in the main corridor in school. On Tuesday morning we made some bits for the Christmas fair. We enjoyed making reindeer food which we could then buy at the fair. We also watched the KS2 performance which was amazing. On Wednesday we completed our letters to Santa and posted them in the class postbox. We also started to make our calendars based on the four seasons. On Thursday morning we enjoyed our KS1 boogie and snack and then completed our calendars. We also had a really enjoyable RW lesson discussing family Christmas traditions. Today we had a lovely last day with some Christmas fun and carols round the tree. Please have a look on our class Seesaw account to see photos of what we have been upto this week.

What’s happening next week:

IT’S CHRISTMAS…. We all wish you a very happy Christmas and a happy new year. Thank you so much for all our lovely cards and gifts – very kind and thoughtful. From Class 2 Team.

Class focus:

Having fun but remembering to be kind and thoughtful.


Please keep practicing the spellings we have learnt so far this term and also the Year 1 and 2 common exception words – (fishes given out in September).

Dates for your diary

Tuesday 7th January – Back to school

24th January – Well being coffee morning

28th February – Well being coffee morning


Weekly catch up 13.12.24


In English we have started our letter writing to Santa! The children have been thinking of lots of questions to ask the Big Man so that they can practise using question marks. One of our favourite questions was ‘Do the elves behave at the North Pole?’ In maths we have finished our shape unit and will be completing some festive activities next week. In RW we looked at various Christmas items using our senses and discussed how we celebrate Christmas. This week we started our design and technology work, the children were very excited after reading the design brief to find out they were going to be making a toy biplane just like the one that Any Johnson flew. We were very lucky on Tuesday afternoon to look at some real model planes. Thank you to Gabriel’s grandad (Class 1) for bringing these in and sharing with us.

WOW – we are so proud of you all for an amazing Christmas performance. A huge well done!


What’s happening next week:

It’s a busy last week of the term with school disco Monday 3.15pm – 4.15pm – please come in uniform as normal and bring your party wear in a plastic bag. School Christmas fair Tuesday 2pm, KS1 Christmas boogie on Thursday (see details below), Christmas Dinner And Christmas jumper day on Wednesday and carols around the tree on Friday.

Class focus:

Having fun but remembering to be kind and thoughtful.


For this week’s spellings please keep practicing the spellings we have learnt so far this term and also the Year 1 and 2 common exception word fishes (given out in September).

Dates for your diary

16th December – School Christmas Disco after school. Bring party clothes in a bag.

17th December – School Christmas Fair from 2pm

18th December – Christmas Dinner Day and Christmas Jumper Day

19th December – NOTE DATE CHANGE. KS1 mini disco Christmas celebration 11 am. Children will be able to come in party clothes and we will provide crisps and juice after we have enjoyed some party games and dancing.

19th December – Wellbeing coffee morning

20th December – Carols around the tree

Weekly catch up 6.12.24


In English we have completed our non-chronological reports. Everyone has worked really hard alongside developing their grammar skills too. In maths we have continued investigating 2D and 3D shape, including sorting and drawing shapes. For geography this week, KS1 went for a walk around our village. We looked for physical and human features and took pictures of what we found (see below). It was a little drizzly but was nice to get out and explore. A big thank you to all our helpers who made this possible. In RW we learnt more about advent and advent calendars and also looked more at ways we celebrate Christmas. We have been practicing our Christmas performance lots and the children are doing amazing with their lines. Please keep practicing over the weekend.

We also enjoyed a visit from Charlotte Eldred the artist who helped class 2 design some doodle art Christmas cards. You will have to wait to see the final designs but here’s a sneak preview of the class at work!

What’s happening next week:

We will be performing our KS1 play to the school on Monday as a final dress rehearsal before we perform to parents, grandparents and other family members on Tuesday and Thursday. Tickets have been sent home – two per family per performance. Programmes with a full cast list will be available at each performance for a voluntary donation. We will also be starting our Design Technology unit on Tuesday.We would still like some extra toothpaste tube boxes and clean, empty 2 litre drinks bottles if anyone can provide any more.

Class focus: Saying our lines for the play loudly, clearly and slowly and having fun with our performances! Please keep practicing words over the weekend.


This week’s spellings is a consolidation from this term’s spellings. The spelling test is usually on Mondays. Please ensure the children practise spellings at home, the children stick their new spellings in their reading logs every Monday. Below we have posted what they had this week so they can be practising over the weekend, please also practise applying them in sentences. The spelling sheets that the children complete daily in school will also be sent home each week for you to revisit when you can. We play lots of spelling games with our words, ask your child what games we have been playing so you can play them at home too. We also have a good discussion about the meaning of the words if we’re not sure.

Dates for your diary:

10th December – KS1 Christmas Play 10.45am

12th December – KS1 Play 1.30pm

17th December – KS1 mini disco Christmas celebration 11 am. Children will be able to come in party clothes and we will provide crisps and juice after we have enjoyed some party games and dancing.

17th December – School Christmas Fair from 2pm

18th December – Christmas Dinner Day

19th December – Wellbeing coffee morning

19th December – School Christmas Disco after school

Weekly catch up 29.11.24


In English we have completed our own rersearch on different minibeasts and have begun to write our own non-chronological reports. In maths we began our unit on shape. We recapped what shapes we knew about and then have been investigating 2D and 3D shapes further. In science we have looked at dependency for survival in the animal and plant world. In geography we have been looking at and sorting human and physical features of Brandesburton and further afield. We have talked about the similarites and differences of human and physical features. Next week we will be walking around our village and will be looking at the different human and physical features a little closer. In RW we have been looking at similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam religions. The children have recapped well and enjoyed telling each other everything we’ve learnt so far.

What’s happening next week:

We will be continuing to rehearse for our KS1 Christmas play. Please support your child in practising and learning their lines. We will also have Charlotte Eldred working with us to create fantastic Doodle Art Christmas cards on Wednesday. Please do make sure you are signed up to our class Seesaw account to receieve the latest messages and photos of our activities.

Class Focus:

Some children are struggling to consistently make the right choices with their behaviour and show respect and tolerance towards others. There have been some unkind actions that we have needed to address but also, we have added lots of names to the class kindness box for pupils who have helped and supported their peers.


Our main focus is on reading please as our weekly class percentages have been quite low in comparison to other classes. Come on year 2, you can do it! Please get a minimum of three adult signatures in your reading log. Practising reading your lines for the Christmas plays counts as reading so make sure it is recorded in your reading log. For any pupils who would also like to practise their 2D shape work here is a link to a fun game:



This week’s spelling focus has been some of our common exception words. The spelling test is on Mondays. Please ensure the children practise spellings at home, the children stick their new spellings in their reading logs every Monday. Below we have posted what they had this week so they can be practising over the weekend, please also practise applying them in sentences. The spelling sheets that the children complete daily in school will also be sent home each week for you to revisit when you can. We play lots of spelling games with our words, ask your child what games we have been playing so you can play them at home too. We also have a good discussion about the meaning of the words if we’re not sure.

Just a reminder that PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. There may be some Tuesdays that we might not get chance to do PE due to practising the Christmas play but please come in PE kit on those days as normal.

Dates for your diary:

4th December: Charlotte Eldred the artist will once again be in school working with the children. She will be helping them to design Doodle Art Christmas cards.

10th December – KS1 Christmas Play 10.45am

12th December – KS1 Play 1.30pm

16th December – KS1 mini disco Christmas celebration details to follow

17th December – School Christmas Fair from 2pm

18th December – Christmas Dinner Day

19th December – Wellbeing coffee morning

19th December – School Christmas Disco after school

Weekly round up 22.11.24


In English we have started a new unit on non-chronological reports. We have been identifying features of a non-chronological report so that we can start to plan and write our own next week. In maths we have completed our unit on addition and subtraction working with two-digit numbers and we are looking forward to investigating 2D shape next week. In science we completed our work on drawing and labelling world habitats. In geography we been looking at maps and symbols on maps. We all drew our own map of the school and added our own symbols in a key. In RW we were very lucky to be able to look at Mina and her family’s Quran. Thank you for sharing these bits with us.

Of course, on Wednesday the children were VERY excited to see that it was snowing. They had a lovely morning playtime making the most of it.

What’s happening next week:

We will be rehearsing for our KS1 Christmas play. Please support your child in practising and learning their lines.

Class Focus:

We are revisiting our class charter that the children worked collaboratively on in September. Some children are struggling to consistently make the right choices with their behaviour and show respect and tolerance towards others.


This week’s spelling focus has been words ending in – tion. The spelling test is on Mondays. Please ensure the children practise spellings at home, the children stick their new spellings in their reading logs every Monday. Below we have posted what they had this week so they can be practising over the weekend, please also practise applying them in sentences. The spelling sheets that the children complete daily in school will also be sent home each week for you to revisit when you can. We play lots of spelling games with our words, ask your child what games we have been playing so you can play them at home too. We also have a good discussion about the meaning of the words if we’re not sure.

Just a reminder that PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays. There may be some Tuesdays that we might not get chance to do PE due to practising the Christmas play but please come in PE kit on those days as normal.

Dates for your diary:

27th November: Come dine with me events. Join your child for one of Mrs Gell’s delicious roast dinners

4th December: Charlotte Eldred the artist will once again be in school working with the children. She will be helping them to design Doodle Art Christmas cards.

10th December – KS1 Christmas Play 10.45am

12th December – KS1 Play 1.30pm


Weekly round up 15.11.24


What a busy week we’ve had! We started the week with a lovely remembrance gathering on Monday. Tuesday was flu vaccinations and we also watched a live lesson for anti-bullying week. Wednesday we had a whole school special assembly on kindness. Each child in class two wrote a ‘You are amazing’ card for another child. All of the class loved reading them and receiving them. In English we have completed our work on Pyramid Shape Poems. The children have used some outstanding vocabulary to describe a bonfire and fireworks in their poetry. In maths, we have continued our work on adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers, focusing on the exchange method between tens and ones. In science, we have studied habitats in different parts of the world such as tropical, polar, desert and ocean habitats and what animals and plants live and grow there. In Geography we continued to look at the geographical features of Brandesburton and our school. There was also great excitement within Key Stage One as we introduced our Christmas Play! There will be songs to be practised and lines to be learnt. Your support with this will be greatly appreciated and we really hope you are able to join us for one of our performances in December. The children’s lines to practise for the play will be sent home on Monday.

What’s happening next week: On Monday it is our Championing Maths event starting at 9am. Please do join us to find out more about the maths curriculum and watch some maths lessons taking place throughout the school. On Thursday we have scooter training. If your child is participating, please ensure they have their scooter and helmet at school on Thursday. All details have already been sent home. Please see the school office if you need further information. Thursday is also the date of the next Brandesburton School Coffee Morning. Parents and grandparents are very welcome to come and have a drink and a chat.

Class Focus:

We are working on listening to and following instructions as some children are finding this rather tricky at the moment.


This week’s spelling focus has been contractions. The spelling test is on Mondays. Please ensure the children practise spellings at home, the children stick their new spellings in their reading logs every Monday. Below we have posted what they had this week so they can be practising over the weekend, please also practise applying them in sentences. The spelling sheets that the children complete daily in school will also be sent home each week for you to revisit when you can. We play lots of spelling games with our words, ask your child what games we have been playing so you can play them at home too. We also have a good discussion about the meaning of the words if we’re not sure.

Just a reminder that PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays.

Dates for your diary:

13th, 20th, 27th November: Come dine with me events. Join your child for one of Mrs Gell’s delicious roast dinners

18th November – Whole school Championing Maths event.

21st November – Well-being coffee morning.

21st November – Scooter training for class two.

10th December – KS1 Christmas Play 10.45am

12th December – KS1 Play 1.30pm



Weekly round up 8.11.24


We hope you all had a lovely half term and a good rest. The children have settled back into school and the routines well this week. We started our new geography unit by looking at our village. In the unit we will be comparing Brandesburton to Hull. The children enjoyed looking at Brandesburton on a map and recapped human and physical features and talked about what Brandesburton had. In RW we explored the Islam faith a little more and also compared the similarities and differences to Christianity. In English we have started a new unit on pyramid poetry. We have been gathering ideas this week based on sights, smells and sounds of a bonfire. In science we recapped our learrning on different UK habitats such as pond, urban, woodland and coastal. We then mapped these onto a local map of East Yorkshire. In maths we have explored 2-digit addition and subtraction using a variety of manipulatives and resources to support our learning. See our photos below.

What’s happening next week: Monday is Remembrance Day. Next week is also ‘Anti-bullying Week’. We will be completing some activities as a whole school including assemblies and a live lesson. Tuesday is ‘odd socks day’ as part of anti-bullying week. Nasal flu vaccinations will also be taking place on Tuesday.

Class Focus:

We are working on listening to and following instructions as some children are finding this rather tricky at the moment.


This week’s spelling focus has been suffixes -ment, -ness, -ful, -less and -ly. The spelling test is on Mondays. Please ensure the children practise spellings at home, the children stick their new spellings in their reading logs every Monday. Below we have posted what they had this week so they can be practising over the weekend. The spelling sheets that the children complete daily in school will also be sent home each week for you to revisit when you can. We play lots of spelling games with our words, ask your child what games we have been playing so you can play them at home too. We also have a good discussion about the meaning of the words if we’re not sure.

Just a reminder that PE days are Tuesdays and Fridays.

Dates for your diary:

W/C 11th November – Anti-bullying week – whole school activities.

11th November – Remembrance day

12th November: Come to school in odd socks day as part of anti-bullying week

12th November: Flu vaccinations

13th, 20th, 27th November: Come dine with me events. Join your child for one of Mrs Gell’s delicious roast dinners

21st November – Well-being coffee morning. See this week’s school newsletter for more details.


Weekly round up 25.10.24


It’s been a very exciting week starting with our trip on Monday. We all had a fantastic day and the children thoroughly enjoyed it – although I think their favourite part was the bus and all having their packed lunches together. We will post some pictures on Seesaw. It has also been art week across the whole school. The children have thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of our art topic this week. We have been investigating textures, collaging, learning new vocabulary and have been exploring with lots of different media from chalk to pastels. We have been learning about high and low contrasting colours and sorting collage materials. The children were finishing their collage leaves today and we will share some pictures on Seesaw after half term but here’s a sneak preview of our leaf rubbings and observational drawings in different media.

What’s happening next week: It’s half term next week, we hope the children (and grown ups) can have a good rest after a busy and long first half term back. We are super proud with how all Class 2 have settled into the routines and learning. In maths we will be continuing addition and subtraction, please continue to practise over half term, especially quick recall of number bonds to 10/20. In English we will be starting a new unit – whatch this space! We will be continuing our RW work and will be starting our geography unit of work comparing Hull and Brandesburton. In Science we will be continuing our focus on Living Things and their Habitats and will be considering world habitats and how animals and plants adapt to live there.

Class Focus:

We will be continuing our on developing our independence and self-help skills so that the children have strategies to support their learning when an adult is not working with their group.


This week’s spelling focus has been The /З:/ sound spelt or after w and the /Ͻ/ sound spelt ar after w. The spelling test is on Mondays. Please ensure the children practise spellings at home, the children stick their new spellings in their reading logs every Monday. Below we have posted what they had this week so they can be practising over the weekend. The spelling sheets that the children complete daily in school will also be sent home each week for you to revisit when you can. We now play lots of spelling games with our words, why not ask your child what games we have been playing spelling bingo has been a favourite. We also have a good discussion about the meaning of the words if we’re not sure.

Just a reminder that after half term PE days will be Tuesdays and Fridays.

Dates for your diary:

In addition to those dates listed below the following events are also taking place in November:

9th November: Quiz night to support SEN interventions in school. See this week’s newsletter for more details.

12th November: Come to school in odd socks day as part of anti-bullying week

13th, 20th, 27th November: Come dine with me events. Join your child for one of Mrs Gell’s delicious roast dinners/

21st November – Wellbeing coffee morning. See this week’s school newsletter for more details.

Weekly round up 18.10.24


This week in maths we have continued with addition and subtraction. Some of the children have still struggled to apply number bonds to ten to help with addition. For example, being able to quickly add 3+6+7 because they already know that 3+7 will total ten and they just need to add on 6 more. Also continuing number bonds patterns such as if they know 3 + 7 = 10 then they also know 13 + 7 = 20, 23 + 7 = 30, 33+7 = 40 and so on. Recognising and continuing patterns is an important concept in understanding maths. Please help your child practice this. In English we have completed our amazing descriptive work on imaginary planets and worked hard in our grammar sessions on sentence construction.In science we had fun investigating food chains and learning vocabulary such as predator, prey, consumer and producer. In RW we shared the photographs sent in so far, from christenings to wedding celebrations and also some very special photographs sent in from Mina’s family. These were fantastic to help us learn more about the Muslim faith. Thank you to everyone that sent photographs in. In history we had a final discussion about why Amy Johnson was so significant.

We also held our parent evening meetings this week. Thank-you to everyone who attended, it was great to talk about all the great progress our pupils are making and their next steps.

It was also our Harvest assembly this week and our assembly detailing the work of East Yorkshire Food Bank. Your donations have been greatly appreciated, please send any further donations as early next week as you can so that we can make arrangements for the items to be collected and distributed to families in need.

What’s happening next week: We have our KS1 trip on Monday. Each child will need to bring a packed lunch and a drink in a small backpack that the children will carry themselves on their back (no glass bottles, fizzy drinks or sweets please).  The school will provide a packed lunch for children eligible for free school meals (this does not include universal free school meals). It is art week and class 2 will also enjoy another visit from the artist Charlotte Eldred as part of East Riding arts creativity week. This day will also be our school ‘Be Bright Be Seen’ Day which children can celebrate by coming to school wearing bright colours.

Class Focus:

We are working on developing our independence and self-help skills so that the children have strategies to support their learning when an adult is not working with their group.


This week’s spelling focus has been The /ɒ/ sound, which is sometimes spelt ‘u’, can be spelt as an ‘a’ when it comes after a ‘w’ or a ‘qu’. The spelling test is now on Mondays. Please ensure the children practise spellings at home, the children stick their new spellings in their reading logs every Monday. Below we have posted what they had this week so they can be practising over the weekend. The spelling sheets that the children complete daily in school will also be sent home each week for you to revisit when you can. We now play lots of spelling games with our words, why not ask your child what games we have been playing spelling bingo has been a favourite. We also have a good discussion about the meaning of the words if we’re not sure.

Just a reminder that after half term PE days are now Tuesdays and Fridaysthere will be no PE next week due to the trip, art week and be bright be seen day on Friday.

Dates for your diary:

Monday 21st October – Key Stage One trip to Hull and Ferens Art Gallery – thank-you for returning permission slips and making a contribution online towards the cost. We really can’t run these trips without additional financial support from both the PTFA and from parents so it is massively appreciated.

Monday 21st October – last day for Halloween pumpkin art entries.
Friday 25th October– Doodle art with artist Charlotte Eldred. This event is being provided free of charge through East Riding Creative Arts Week.
‘Be Bright Be Seen’ Day which children can celebrate by coming to school wearing bright colours.