Today we have a selection of P.E, maths and science. Remember you don’t have to complete every activity from the blog every day, but I do like to see whatever you have been up to so don’t forget to email me. I will be posting the latest round of photos tomorrow so that you can also see what your friends have been doing too. Spelling and English work was set yesterday as well as reading on EPIC or your own choice books so you have plenty to choose from. Let’s start the day off with P.E. and the chance to become a Skilful scorer.

If you don’t fancy that, then why not try dancing to one of the songs from The Greatest Showman (video lesson below) or have another go at Joe Wicks P.E.

Maths: Have a try at solving these maths problems.

Science: If we has been in school, we would have been finishing off our summer term work by learning about food chains. I’m going to start this with you today and then post some more activities relating to food chains later in the week. What do YOU think a food chain is? Have a think and discuss it with an adult before you move onto to rest of the today’s blog post.

When you’ve had a chat about what you think a food chain is, watch this short video clip.

Now read this for further information on food chains.

Now do you think you understand what a food chain is?

Your activity is to put the pictures on the two sheets below into food chains with 3 pictures in each chain. You can use the same picture more than once if needed but try not to! You could print off the pictures if you have a printer or if not you can make simple drawings or labels of them yourself or you could just look at the pictures and discuss it with an adult.

Terrific Tuesday

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