Class 2 outdoor area:
Class 2 designed and made some amazing twig fairies and stickmen this week with only the tiniest of adult support to help with the hot gluing. Some are not quite finished but we hope to add them to our fairy tree stump in our outdoor area alongside the donated fairy doors, windows and accessories. We have also been busy making ribbon twizzlers and altering some donated bunting to make it waterproof. Over the next few days the children will be able to start work on stencilling and painting their names on the plywood tiles which will form a great centrepiece of artwork on the side of the PE shed and will be a lasting memento for the current year two pupils. The pupils are also going to be fully responsible for moving the bark chippings from the school wildlife garden to our outdoor area to level the ground and make it more attractive. The whole school is getting enthused with working on ideas for their own areas and it is fantastic to see.

Despite all of our outdoor work, class 2 have still had time this week to complete some assessment work for reading, writing and in some cases, phonics. They have worked hard and to the best of their ability and are really demonstrating resilience and determination as they are really being challenged. They may be very tired little people by Friday!