This we we got going properly with our English, maths and theme work. Class 2 were excited to start our work on the SS Titanic and we started with a fact finding exercise to see what the children know already and then what they want to find out. We considered lots of different relevant vocabulary such as ‘collision’, ‘voyage’ and ‘passengers’ and the children were able to discuss these with a partner and come up with definitions for the words. This will be really useful when we start writing our diary recounts and newspaper recounts of the disaster. In maths we have been working on place value and the children have been engaged and ready to learn. We have done lots of practical work to really embed the important concept of place value with 2-digit numbers. The children have really impressed me with what they know and they are already starting to work more independently by using resources in the classroom.
On Tuesday Key Stage One had a visit from Hornsea Inshore Rescue. They gave us lots of informative information on being safe near the sea which is really important to our pupils as the majority of them only live a 15 minute car journey from the seaside. The children asked some really worthwhile questions which Sue and Karl were more than happy to answer. The children were also delighted to see Mrs Prince dress up in full rescue kit and they also enjoyed the opportunity to try on a life jacket themselves. A really big thank-you to Hornsea Rescue who are a registered charity and rely on donations to carry out the good work that they do.

This week we will be working on the spelling pattern for the sound /j/ spelt ‘dge’ or ‘ge’ at the end of words and sometimes spelt as ‘g’ elsewhere in words before e, i and y. This is a list of example words that we will be using as well as looking for other examples in our reading.

Our other homework for this week will be maths focussed to complement our work in class on place value. This sheet can be accessed on the class Seesaw account to complete.