This week we have been continuing our learning about the Titanic. We tried to measure the length of the ship on our school field but we ran out of space after 85 metres and the Titanic was 269 metres long! It did give the children an idea of just how huge the Titanic must have been though. In computing the children used Purple Mash on the I-pads to complete some emotions work that had been set for them. They are getting much better at independently logging on using their own login details. In P.E. the children enjoyed practising their ball control skills and then completed some team races to apply their ball skills. We all enjoyed celebrating our Harvest Festival at St. Mary’s Church this week too.
This week’s homework is a punctuation sheet. The template is also available of Seesaw.

We will also be looking at homophones in our spelling work this week. Here are some examples of the words we will be looking at. Can you find any more in your reading?

Finally we have two opportunities to welcome parents and carers into class 2 this week. Firstly you are all very welcome to come and see maths in Key Stage One at 11am on Tuesday and secondly we have our weekly library time on Friday at 3pm. We hope you can make it to one or both sessions.