We have enjoyed celebrating European Day of Languages this week. All of the children answered the register using a different language each day to say hello. They also each learned to say hello in a different language to each other and took part in an activity to say hello to each other. Finally they took part in a retelling of the story ’The very hungry caterpillar’, joining in with key words and actions. Did you know that the title of the story translated into French is ’La chenille qui fait des trous’ which actually means ’the caterpillar who makes holes!’
On Friday, as part of our science capital work, we watched a live interactive broadcast from the National Farmers Union. This was related to the theme of harvest and growing. The children got to see an enormous combine harvester and learned how it worked then they got to role-play being a combine harvester too! The children took part in an interactive question session discussing what food products wheat is used for when it has been harvested. The broadcast really brought farming to life for the children. Also in science this week the class loved exploring the school wildlife garden and seeing which minibeasts live there!
We have also been recapping the names of continents in geography and we enjoyed singing the continents song again. After that, the children worked in pairs to look up the names of the seven continents and the five oceans using an atlas and add them to a world map. Their presentation in this activity was excellent.

This week we will be looking at the spelling pattern /i/ sound spelt ‘ey’ at the end of words.

Class 2’s homework is:
To read your RWI book to an adult as many times as you can at home and try and go on Oxford Owl to read the online book and complete the phonics quiz. Children in Mrs Campey’s reading group should read their book banded book to an adult.
To recap number bonds to 10 and learn number bonds to 20. There are some activity sheets on Seesaw to complete for this.
If you have any spare time have a look on Purple Mash at the class 2do activities or have a try at TT Rockstars to practise your times tables.