Well after today we will only have two more Fridays left and then school is out for Summer! The year has certainly flown by. Our children will all get the chance to spend the morning in their new class on Wednesday morning so they can meet the class team, investigate the classroom and find out what exciting things they are going to be learning as part of Key Stage Two in September!
Last week was our really enjoyable sports week. We were incredibly lucky with the weather in the end and thoroughly enjoyed our Euros football competition, non-stop sports, traditional sports afternoon and our trip to Brandesburton Bowls Club. This last activity was a real community event – you can see some photos below.
This week has seen the last visit from our music specialist. He has visited class 2 every Friday this term and the children have really looked forweard to his visits. It has been a fun way to enrich our curriculum.
Next week we will be working on our final Design Technology unit which will be a bridge building challenge. The children will be applying some of what they learned when they were on their school trip to Hull visiting lots of different bridge structures. They have also completed research work in geography on bridges to support their learning. We would be extremely grateful if you have any old newspapers that you could donate to help us with our making!
Reading: A BIG plea from Mrs Platten and Mrs Joplin! Next Friday will be the last occasion on which class reading percentages will be collated and shared in the Special Mentions Assembly. We would really LOVE this to be our best week ever! we have been lagging behind some of the other classes recently. All the children love sharing and reading stories in school so please all try your very best to get a minium of three reads with three signatures at home.
Diary Dates:
W/c 8th July: Class 2 Design Technology week
W/c 8th July: Last week for school reading scheme and school library books. Books will then be collected in on 15th July.
10th July: All classes (except year 6) have a transition morning with their new class.
11th July: Brandesburton school reunion with afternoon tea.Tickets still available, please see the school office for further information
Friday 12th July: 10am The children will enjoy a performance from Mrs Creswell’s music groups.
12th July: School Summer Fair 2.00pm-4.30pm – please do come and join us!
18th July: PTFA After-school disco
19th July: School finishes for the Summer break

We would also like to say a huge congratulations to Mrs Osborne this week. She has been working incredibly hard over the past term in class 2 and we are super proud to say that she has successfully achieved QTS. We really don’t know what we would have done without her! She has been a fabulous addition to the class 2 team!

The /dʒ/ sound spelt as ge and dge at the end of words, and sometimes spelt as g elsewhere in words before e, i and y