Well of course the highlight of the week has been the KS1 trip to Magna. The children were so enthusiastic and so well-behaved. There were several other schools there at the same time and I can definitely say our children were the best behaved. Everyone got to watch a fire tornado and the Big Melt show which re-created how the steel furnace worked, with lots of sparks and noise! The children loved the slime workshop and the opportunity to pay with their slime on the classroom on Friday. They had the chance to listen to building related stories in the story cabin, operate a digger and see how rocks are crushed and transported. The children also loved the water pavilion where they could fire water cannons, float boats at different levels, take part in a true or false water quiz with a surprising way of revealing the answers. There were lots of interactive hands-on exhibits for the children to investigate and it was great to finally get out on a school trip after all of the Covid restrictions. See the bottom of the page for the photo gallery.
Spellings for this week focus on another spelling pattern for the ‘l’ sound at the end of words. This week it is /al/. Read the words and focus on how you pronounce the ending, do you say ‘al’ another sound? Why not the spelling quiz on the 2do section of Purple Mash or have a go at some of the activities on the spelling sheet that was sent home to you.
Your other homework is a practical task this week focusing on our work on the Three little Pigs in English and Science. Can you design models of the Three Little Pigs houses using anything you have in or around the house, for example; grass, twigs, straw if you have a pet, cocktail sticks, Lego, K’Nex, straws, marshmallows, in fact anything at all. You could then test them with a hair-dryer (with an adult to help you) to see how strong they are and use some of the adjectives we discussed in science like strong, weak, rough, smooth, transparent, waterproof, flexible. You could even draw yourself a wolf and re-enact the story!
Magna photo gallery from group 2