Everyone has been working really hard on their story planning for their alternative three little pigs stories: watch out for…. the three little monkeys and the big bad gorilla, the three little salmon and the big bad shark and the three little flamingos and the big bad penguin amongst many other original ideas. The children are really looking forward to being authors and writing their stories next week.

In computing the Chromebooks have been a big hit again and on Friday we used them to do activities in our coding unit on Purple Mash. The screen size is much better than using the I-pads and the class are getting much better with using the track pad rather than a mouse.

We have been having a girls versus boys battle on TT Rockstars this week and the girls were victorious! Come on boys let’s see if it is your turn next week.

Also on Friday we participated in a STEM Live! interactive lesson on astronauts in space. This linked to our work on materials in science as we found out about materials needed to make a space suit. It also linked to our theme work on air travel. The class got to share what their favourite food would be to eat in space (chicken nuggets and burgers were popular) and they heard what types of food astronauts actually eat. They also discovered what happens when you clean your teeth in space!

In theme work, we have started to look at comparing Amy Johnson with Amelia Earhart to see how they were similar and how they were different. They were certainly very brave pioneering aviators of their time.


This week there are no new spelling patterns, but please review all the patterns for ‘l’ sound at the end of a word that we have done recently and have another go at reading and spelling the year 2 common exception words. Are you still colouring in your spelling fish with the ones that you now can read and spell so you know which ones to concentrate on?

For maths homework I really want you to focus on your times tables especially the 2 times tables and complete the sheet below which is on Seesaw as a template for you. There are also some links to some online multiplication games on Topmarks and you can always go on Purple Mash 2dos and TT Rockstars.

Weekly round up and homework 06.02.23

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