What an incredibly busy half -term we have had! i can’t believe there is only one more half term to go and then that’s it for this academic year and the year two pupils!
Last week the pupils undertook SATs tests in maths, reading and spelling and grammar. They all absolutely worked their socks off and tried so hard in each and every test. They are not used to seeing their classroom with the desks separated and they also like to work with partners and groups, so having to undergo independent tests, sitting in silence was quite a challenge (as it is for all six and seven year olds). They were so resilient and really gave the best of themselves. As soon as each test was completed we enjoyed biscuits together and the children got lots of extra play time, colouring and lego – their favourite things!
This week it was business as usual as we worked hard to finish off our geography theme on London before we move onto history next half-term. The children enjoyed looking at the aerial maps of London and trying to see if they could still identify any famous landmarks. After several weeks of geography they now have a great understanding of the location of London and the many important buildings. They were also able to compare weather data with Nairobi, a city in Kenya, and use the data on the graph to look at temperature, rainfall and hours of sunlight in each city in different months. Very impressive class 2!
We also made good use of the lovely weather to get our PE sessions in and complete our unit on bat and ball skills. The class also enjoyed playing some mini games of cricket too. Next half-term the class will be practising their athletics skills and of course participating in the school sports day.
There is no specific class homework set for over the half-term break but if you are out and about in the lovely summer sunshine, you might like to try some of the activities on the 30 Days Wild challenge that is run by the Wildlife Trust. Information on this was sent home attached to the school newsletter. We look forward to seeing the selfies of the activities you have undertaken.
Have a lovely half-term break
Mrs P