Class two had a very busy first week back and after sharing what we had been up to over the half-term break, we launched straight into our theme work on the Great Fire of London and also our related English unit on the book Toby and the Great Fire of London. The pupils learnt lots last half-term about the modern day geography of London and were really excited to start learning about the history of the Great Fire of London. They asked lots of amazing questions that we will hope to research and find the answers to this half-term. In maths we have been practising telling the time. This week will be the last week of this before moving on but as it is a very important life skill, please do keep practising at home. The year 2 end of year expectation for telling the time is being able to tell the time on the hour, half-past, quarter past and quarter to. This week we will go further and look at telling the time at five minutes past and five minutes to the hour as well.

Homework: This is our spelling pattern this week. Can you find any other examples of words that follow the pattern of using ‘a’ for the ‘aw’ sound before ‘l’ and ‘ll’?

Our other homework links our school challenge of reading at least three times a week to our school participation in the Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild initiative. Next week our chosen challenge for the selfie photo is ‘reading outside in the grass’. It doesn’t have to be in the gras though, pick a place outside when you can relax and settle down with a favourite book, a new book or share a book with family. Upload your selfie photo to Seesaw or email to the school office so that we can add it to our whole school display board. we can’t wait to see your selfies!

Weekly round up and homework 12/06/23

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