Well our first week back has certainly been busy! We were very excited to have a visit from a children’s author, Elizabeth Green. She very kindly came to talk to children not only in our class but also in EYFS, class 1 and class 3. The children were very interested to hear that she wrote her first book when she was only fourteen although it wasn’t published until last year! Elizabeth also explained about how she used to use a typewriter to write her stories. This confused some of the children so we had a quick google to show them all a picture of what a typewriter is and they all thought it would be quite fun to use one. Elizabeth also talked about books she loved as a child and was very interested to hear about class 2’s favourite books. There was also time for a quick question and answer session and class 2 were as SUPERB as ever at asking questions!

We also started a short poetry block this week focusing on the significance of Remembrance Day. We have read some really emotive poetry with some quite tricky language in them but the children were so respectful of the underlying messages. Look out for some of the neat copies of the children’s own poems being posted on Seesaw. To compliment their poetry, the children have also painted poppies and mounted them on a background of a collage of war photos which have made them visually very effective.

It is also time for us to start rehearsals for the Key Stage One Christmas play and scripts and song words will be sent home very shortly. The songs are sounding fantastic already. Homework for this week, in addition to our spelling work, is to read through the song words (and any script words that you are given on Monday) and to make sure you understand them.
This week’s spelling pattern is the ‘er’ sound spelt /or/ after w and the ‘or’ sound spelt /ar/ after w. Please read through the words. You could also have a go at spelling them or putting them into sentences.

We are really please to see our home-reading score soar again this week! Thank you so much to the 94% of class 2, who read three times or more over the last week! Please keep it up for next week! We could even aim for the stars…let’s go for 100%!
First Special Mention Assembly with parents
It was great to see a few familiar faces attend our Special Mention Assembly which took place on Friday. If your child brings home a Special Mention certificate/invite on a Thursday evening, we would love to see you attend the Friday assembly. It starts at 2.45!
Remembrance day
Thank you to all of the parents and carers who were able to attend the Remembrance Service this week. The children sang really beautifully and the speakers performed brilliantly. It was a great opportunity for us all to remember our heroes!