What a half term we have had in Class 2! The children have all settled really well and are beginning to make excellent progress!
Art week!
We have thoroughly enjoyed getting stuck into our drawing and painting unit this week! We began by taking inspiration from the world around us and created some landscape drawings. We then practised a number of different drawing techniques, including using tone and different media, before completing a final landscape drawing.
In the second half of the unit, we experimented with water colour paint. We recapped our knowledge of making secondary colours before exploring colouring mixing, to create tone and texture!
Have a look at some of the final paintings we created!

This week for homework, we would love to see the children practising the skills that they have learned this week in our art lessons. Therefore, we would love to see their best landscape drawings or paintings. This could be a drawing or painting from real life or a copy of one found in a magazine or on the internet! Remember to try to include tone, blending, lines of different thicknesses and texture! Please post your progress pictures, or final pieces, for us to see on Seesaw!
Reading scores
This week, as a class, 75% of us read three times or more! This might have been higher but a few of us forgot to return our reading journals! Please try to bring them into school every day so we can get those great scores in the future!
This half term there is lots of fun to be had with Halloween and Bonfire Night. Please make sure you all keep yourselves safe! Be Bright, Be Seen!!!!
Hope you all have lots of fun and we can’t wait to see you back, after the break!
Mrs Platten and Mrs Joplin x