Class 2 have moved on from creating their excellent Remembrance poetry last week to a new writing unit on familiar settings. As we are lucky enough to be so very near to the coast, the children are writing descriptive pieces about the seaside. They really enjoyed listening to the humorous story of The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch which engaged their interest and helped them to focus on what they might see, hear, smell, feel and taste at the seaside.
In computing the children have completed their e-leaflets explaining what the internet is and describing things such as browser, website and search engine to show their understanding. In science they played a fun game picking different cards describing an animal, plant or tree and then they had to match it to a coastal, woodland, pond or urban habitat. They were all excellent at this! They then had a copy of a map of East Yorkshire and marked the different habitat areas on it.
The big excitement this week is that Key Stage One have started their Christmas Play! Parts have been allocated, songs are being practiced and dances will soon be prepared. Thank-you in advance for your support with practising lines, it is really appreciated. A big thanks also to everyone who came to our Championing Reading morning on Wednesday. It was lovely to see everyone and to showcase just how much our pupils enjoy reading and how much progress they are making.
Please practise your lines for the play and continue to read through the song words too. This week’s spelling pattern example word list is below for you to practise too. We will be looking at suffixes – groups of letters added to the end of a work to make a new word, for example enjoy+ment = enjoyment,

In P.E. this week, the children loved creating interesting shapes with their bodies to display their stretching and balancing skills. After learning how to carefully carry the mats around the room in a safe way, the children had to work in pairs to create balances with 1, 2, 3 or 4 body parts touching the floor. This is what some of them came up with!

Our home-reading score dipped slightly this week. 74% of class 2 read three time or more.
Please do your best to read three times every week, it really does help us in all areas of our learning!