Our classroom is looking very Christmassy this week. We have our tree and nativity scene up and some very twinkly lights. We have lots of Christmas themed stories that the children can choose to read and we have been sharing some of them for story time too. The school post box for Christmas cards is out in the entrance, please remember to post any cards by 15th December. Next week we are performing the dress rehearsal of our KS1 production ‘It’s a Cracker!’ to the whole school. Reminders have been sent out that all children need to come to school wearing a Christmas jumper on Tuesday 12th December ready for this. The usual school shorts, trousers, leggings or skirts are fine with their Christmas jumper. They will also need to wear a Christmas jumper on the following day, Wednesday 13th December, as this is our Christmas lunch day, Christmas jumper day and Christmas activity day all rolled into one!
Class 2 have started their new English unit this week and it’s a festive one! The children will be practising their letter writing skills in order to write a polite and informative letter to Santa (without too many demands!) We have looked at the structure of a letter and the importance of having an introduction and conclusion alongside using questions with correct punctuation. We even have our own class 2 post box which we can use to send the finished letters on their way. We have also been looking at the use of effective questioning in our new computing unit. We will be continuing this over the next two weeks. Maths has been VERY tricky this week as we tackled the difficult concept of two-digit subtraction crossing a ten (for example 72 – 38). Everyone has worked their socks off to try and understand this work and we have had lots of practical apparatus in use for support.
Ladies in Pigs visit
On Thursday of this week, we were really lucky to have a visit from Ladies in Pigs. They are a fantastic organisation who work alongside primary schools to deliver workshops on farming, food hygiene and food preperation. The children thoroughly enjoyed making sausage rolls, whilst learning what is like to live and work on a farm. Not only did this tie in really well with our up-and-coming Design Technology unit on food, but it was also a great reminder of what the children had previously explored during their ‘history of farming’ unit.

There is no additional homework this week so the focus is on practising being clear and confident with your lines for the play, getting those three reading signatures and practising your spellings.
This week the focus is on some of the common exception words that children are expected to know and be able to spell by the end of year 2. There are some different ideas for practising them at the bottom of the post. The spelling quiz has also been added to the 2do section on Purple Mash so you can complete this at home if you want to.

This week our reading score improved greatly. By working as a team and giving our friends lots of encouragement we managed to achieve a reading percentage of 93%!
Well done class 2. What a brilliant improvement. Please try and keep this up for next week!