What an outstanding week we have had working our our art unit on collage for this half-term. The children have been busy studying the work of two artists Megan Coyle and John Piper. Both artists are renowned for their collage work. They worked hard recreating a well-known collage by Megan Coyle called Blue Landscape. They were able to practise lots of different techniques such as cutting, ripping, folding and scrunching. Linking their collage work to our geography unit on the seaside, the children then worked collaboratively in groups to plan, design and create their own original seaside collages. The results are amazing and all of class 2 can be very proud of their work.
Have a look at some of the fantastic art work they created!

On Tuesday, we also carried out activities relating to Safer Internet Day. We started with a class circle time to see which pupils do use the internet, what they use it for and what devices they use. We discussed different emotions they might feel when using the internet and what they should do and who they could talk to if anything made them feel anxious, upset or frightened. The children listened to this very sensibly and everyone was confidently able to say that they would tell a trusted adult if they found anything online that was a concern. This was followed by a story about two characters called Mo and Jaz who did indeed feel upset when a video they were watching about penguins finished and a new video about ghosts started. The story was very sensitively told through simple animation and gave us the further opportunity to discuss what they would do if they were in the same situation. The children then completed their Mo and Jaz story sheets which they have taken home.
We want all the children to have a lovely family break and recharge their batteries ready for the next half-term which will be just as action packed as this one so no formal written homework is being set. Please do keep up with your reading though and evidence this in your reading log. If you wanted to, you could log onto Purple Mash and use 2paint a picture to do some additional artwork relating to the seaside or complete any of the 2dos that you haven’t done. You could also log on to TT Rock Stars too to make sure you are getting quicker and more confident with your times tables. If you go anywhere nice or do any fun activities, please do send photos to Seesaw as we love to see them.
The next spelling pattern we will look at when we come back to school will be the /n/ sound spelt kn and (less often) gn at the beginning of words and the /ʒ/ sound spelt s. Here is the example word list for you to look at.

We had a tough one to beat from last week as we scored an impressive 85%. We did it though…95%!
Outstanding work class 2.

Enjoy your half term! We can’t wait to see you all refreshed, raring and ready to go for Spring 2!