Happy Easter to you all!
What an amazing week we have had. Talk about busy!
In literacy this week, we have been writing our own news reports based on the traditional tale, The Gingerbread Man. Class 2 loved turning into reporters, thinking about how to retell the events in an interesting and exciting way. Lots of us even added questions and exclamatory sentences. How amazing we are!
In maths, we have been learning all about statistics. We have been finding out how to read and draw tally charts, graphs and pictograms. We are now all confident counting in 5s when tallying and are able to count in 2s, 5s and 10s, when using symbols to represent pictures.
The disco
Many of the children, thoroughly loved the disco on Monday night. It was lovely to see them spending time with their friends, chatting and indulging on the snacks. We were also really pleased to see their dance skills come into action as they all took to the dance floor. Check out some of our moves!

This week was D&T week.
We were challenged to make a hand puppet suitable for a Punch and Judy puppet show. We began by investigating lots of existing designs before designing and making our own. Many thanks to the parent helpers who popped along to give us a hand on Thursday. We couldn’t have done it without you!
We are really proud of our puppets, even though we are not quite finished. What do you think?

This week we have done well with our reading as 95% of us read 3 times or more. Over the break, try to find a book you love and have a good read. We will look forward to hearing your book recommendations when you get back!
There is no homework, as such, over Easter. However, if you are feeling creative why not check out some of these creative crafts. We would absolutely love you to share your makes/draws on Seesaw with us!
25+ Easter Crafts for Kids – The Best Ideas for Kids