Welcome back to the start of the Summer term, this year is certainly passing quickly. Today you should be receiving our class newsletter which will give you an overview of what we will be learning this term. We have some fun activities planned!
This week we have been working on measure in maths. The children have been carrying out some practical measuring activities in the classroom using centimetres and metres. They have also been comparing measurements and recapping using the inequality signs < and > to show bigger than and smaller than.
In English we have started our non-fiction unit on non-chronological reports. The children have been learning about how to use an introductory sentence and technical language and they have done lots of research on different mini-beasts!
The children have also started their plants unit in science and have been learning about the difference between seeds and bulbs. They are very much looking forward to next week when they will be planting their broad bean seeds and starting to observe them growing.
Please log onto the class 2 Seesaw account where you will find a maths activity relating to our work on measure this week. There are also some optional challenge activities that will really make you think! You could also log in to your TT Rockstars account to practise your times tables.
This week we will be working on the /r/ sound spelt ‘wr’ at the beginning of words. Here is the list of key words that we will be focusing on. There is also a spelling activity that you might want to have a go at. If you do, please upload a photo of your work to Seesaw so we can see your amazing ideas. As usual there is a spelling quiz on the class Purple mash 2do section if you would like to complete that.

100% WOW! Brilliant job everyone!
This week our amazing reading score dropped a little. 74% of us read three times or more! Could we all try our best to make sure we read three times next week!
We finished our sewing unit and our puppets look amazing! Take a look at the brilliant job we all did!