This week has seen class 2 working hard on finishing off their English unit on non-chronological reports. They have been designing their own original mini-beast and writing about its appearance, diet (very gory in some cases!), habitat and how it moves. The children have had great fun applying their knowledge of non-chronological report writing devices such as an introductory sentence and sub-headings to this piece of work.
In maths we have continued with our work on measure and this week our focus has been on measuring mass. The children have been able to look at balance scales and add up mass in grams and also say which items on the balance scale are heavier or lighter and how they know. They continue to be challenged with our new format Quick Start sheets which now include a ‘Solve it!’ section to allow them to become more familiar with problem solving.
In science, we planned a fair test to investigate what conditions plants need to grow healthily. We planted four broad bean seeds and one will have sunlight and water, one will have no sunlight or water, one will have sunlight but no water and one will have water but no sunlight. The children were also keen to plant and look after their own broad bean seed plant. We will observe them over the next few weeks and complete a bean diary before sending the bean plants home. Sadly we had to do our planting in the classroom this week rather than the wildlife garden as the weather was so horrible but we hope to visit the wildlife garden again soon.

Please complete one of the two plant labelling activities on your Purple Mash account. You will find them in the 2do section. Please also try to read at least three times at home during the week so that we can improve our class reading percentage and really ensure we are improving reading fluency and stamina. You could also go on your TT Rockstars account to practise your 2x, 5x and 10 tables.

This week our focus will be on words ending in /y/. Whilst you are on Purple Mash to complete your science homework, you could also the spelling quiz for this spelling pattern.

Class 2’s reading percentage this week was 80%. This is a small increase from last week but not quite where we were before the Easter break. Please make sure that you are all reading at home at least 3 times per week. Finding a book that you love will really help. Here are a few of my favourites!

Handwriting and presentation
We have had a really big push this week on handwriting and presentation. Nancy blew everyone’s socks off with her joined writing in her history book.
These are the joins we have been practising, if you would like to practise them again at home!