Class Two are superstars! They have worked incredibly hard this week undertaking their SATs tests in reading, spelling, grammar and maths. All of them gave their very best and can be very proud of their attitude to learning and their resilience. We are certainly proud of them too. The outcomes of the SATs tests do sit alongside the teacher assessments for the whole year but the children have certainly performed to the best of their ability this week. Of course we did reward them with biscuits when the last test was completed!

They have also been working hard writing and presenting their pyramid poems! They used some doodling skills that they had acquired when they visited Wassand Hall.

Here you can see just a small selection of the children in action!

This week we also waved off our year 5 and year 6 pupils on their residential visit. Some of our class have older siblings going on the visit and we had happy tears and sad tears waving them off. The pupils will have the most amazing learning experience and it won’t be long before our year two pupils are further up the school and getting ready to attend their own residential visit as time certainly does fly.

We are very much looking forward to our own Key Stage One visit to Hull next week for a geography fieldwork visit to look at different bridge structures. It will be a very different trip to Wassand Hall last week, but hopefully equally fun and worthwhile. Please remember to send your child with a waterproof coat (even if it is very sunny first thing in the morning) and a packed lunch and drink in a small rucksack. Children will wear their normal school uniform and will need trainers or comfortable shoes as we will be walking for a large part of the trip.

There is no written homework for this week due to the children having worked very hard on their SATs. Plesase do keep on reading though so we can improve our class percentage for getting a minimum of three reads each week. Please do upload any photos to Seesaw for #30DaysWild (see last week’s school newsletter) or email them to the school office for our in school display. Some new activities that can be undertaken are displayed in the school reception window along with some of the photos from our Wassand Hall trip.


As always, we were aiming for 100% in our reading this week. Unfortunately we missed the mark slightly! 72% of us read regularly (3 times or more) at home. A big well done to Nancy, who was nominated for her fantastic reading and can now sit on the golden table for lunch, next week!

Diary Dates:

Month of June:

Ongoing #30Dayswild

Wednesday 19th June Key Stage One fieldwork visit to Hull

Friday 21st June: Football tournament – see last week’s newsletter and recent email for further information

Thursday 27th June Sports afternoon and PTFA bingo

Friday round up 14/06/24

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