This week class 2 have been working on their Design Technology Project to design and build a bridge. They have thoroughly enjoyed identifying and testing different materials to make their bridge and discovering how much weight their bridges could hold. They have also considered which materials the bridges that they saw on their trip to Hull were constructed from and why. All of the chldren have shown great teamwork skills and it has been lovely to see them work together on what will be their last big project of year 2.

In maths, the pupils completed their unit of work on money and started work on their remaining unit which is 3D shape. They have been getting to grips with shape names sucn as square based pyramid, cylinder and cube and they have been learning about faces, edges and vertices. They have also been completing their original journey stories in English.

On Wednesday the pupils got to spend the morning in what will be their new class in September. They all came back very excited at lunchtime having had a successful morning, They have been well prepared for the next stage of their learning and were able to find out about some of the the new routines of Key Stage Two and were excited by the fact that they will be learning French!

There is no reading homework this week as we are staring to collect inand sort readng books for next year. If you would like to test your mental maths skills then you can access the Hit the Button game on Topmarks. You can challenge yourself with your multiplication and division facts, doiubling, halving and number bonds.

For our last spelling pattern of the year we will be investigating the /s/ sound spelt with a ‘c’ before ‘e’, ‘i’ or ‘y’.Four of the words on the list are rhyming words, can you think of a short rhyming poem that uses these words?

We are very much looking forward to spending our last week with our class two pupils next week. Hopefully the sun will be shining and we can go outside for some fun and games and also reflect on what a fantastic year we have had together. Next week will be our final round up post!

Friday round up12/7/24

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